this game looks amazing but there is one problem with it... it's the fact that I'm half blind writing this review.
this game looks amazing but there is one problem with it... it's the fact that I'm half blind writing this review.
well.... that was special. good frame rate and game control! Very clean looking and a joy to play. keep up the good work.
id ftw
nice port dude, it's too bad about the lacking music.. that sets the doom atmosphere, but all in all good job 5/10 is because 50% of your work and 50% of ID's work, but 5/5 voted :3
great time killer
i was having a great time until i think i bugged out the game.. i got to the part with all the screens and when you kill everyone they say 'error' and i cant seem to move up or anything... no idea if it's a bug i found of if I'm missing something. GREAT JOB DUDE!
not a huge fan. i beat the 2600 et game many years ago.. to see it remade was good for a laugh but to see that you needed to goto the center board again to make it to any new forest screen was not fun.. and the best part of the game is gone... the constant falling into the same hole... ET use to make people drink to help handle it's game play now you have to drink to handle that someone remade it.
almost feels like crush for the PSP and had some great portal humor! the game handled well it was just a bit too short. I'll keep my eye out for the second one. :D
a few hours later..
great game. i like the idea of you adding medals in your game. xbox did it with achivements and look how many people are trying to unlock all of thows. I hope to see a indestructotank VS IndestructoCopter one day.. that would crazy never ending game :P
controls are abit stiff but overall a good game. i love how the people are little blocks :D back to the good old 8bit days!
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Age 37, Male
Joined on 1/27/04